Monday, September 28, 2009

Truth About Forgiveness

The Sovereign Lord says, "I will remove form them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh". Ezekiel 11:19

This forgiveness stuff is definitely a thing of the heart. I realize how much I struggle to embrace true forgiveness for myself and for others. It so easy to compare myself to others always finding someone worse than I which allows me to minimize how much God has forgiven me. My Spirit screams...Please open my heart, Lord, and show me how to forgive! I'm not strong enough to do it on my own

Dear God, soften our heart where hardness impairs our relationship with you and our neighbors. Restore in each of us a healthy spiritual heart. Amen

Saturday, September 19, 2009


The path to salvation following the Roman road...

The Scriptures tell us, "No one is acceptable to God"...Romans 3;10

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...Romans 3:23

Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die...Romans 5:12

But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful...Romans 5:8

So you will be saved, if you honestly say, "Jesus is Lord," and if you believe with all your heart that God raised him from death. God will accept you and save you, if you truly believe this and tell it to others. The Scriptures says that no one who has faith will be disappointed, no matter if that person is a Jew or a Gentile. The is only one Lord, and He is generous to everyone who asks for his help. All who call out to the Lord will be saved...Romans 10:9-13


Forgiven our sins we must forgive others.

Please open my heart, Lord, and show me how to forgive. I’m not strong enough to squash my hatred—they’ve wronged us so much…my hatred is so heavy that it could crush me. Touch my heart, Lord and show me how to forgive...Immaculee Ilibagiza author: LEFT TO TELL...Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To Know Love

I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you...John 13:15

To know love, open your heart to Jesus. To show love, open your heart to others.

As we are awakened to the ingathering love of God, the brokenness that divides us from ourselves and others begins to mend.